Wednesday, February 24, 2016

3 Reasons Why We Don't Prosper Financially

Pop Quiz!!! I’m sure most of us have vivid memories of an elementary school teacher making this announcement. I used to cringe. Have no fear! This quiz will be quick and painless. Please answer the following questions…

1.       Who is the wealthiest African American female?

2.       What basketball legend became a billionaire last year?

3.       Which hip hop artist was reported to have made $3 billion from the sale of their product line to Apple?

4.       What does the acronym FIN stand for and do you know your FIN?

5.       What is your FICO score?

6.       When will you be debt free?

I’m sure you answered Oprah, Michael Jordan and Dr. Dre respectively to the first three questions. But what were your answers to the last three questions? Did you have an answer? I usually try this little experiment as an ice breaker at my seminars and workshops and no matter what 3-4 questions I ask about pop culture, the participants are engaged and shouting out the answers. Then, as you’ve probably figured out, aren’t as quick to answer the questions that pertain to their personal finances because they don’t know. My job as a Money Coach isn’t to make anybody feel bad. It’s to help us become aware of this mindset and realize that it’s more important to understand and have an active role in their own lives. In other words…know what’s going on with YOUR money! This is particularly important for women.

You see, there are three reasons why people do not prosper financially:
1.       Lack of financial literacy. Fewer than 2 in 10 women feel “very prepared” to make wise financial decisions. Half indicate that they “need some help”, and one-third feels that they “need a lot of help”. (Financial Experience & Behaviors Among Women 2010-2011 Prudential Research Study) Not to mention, in 80% of the nation’s households women are the primary decision makers regarding purchases. (People Support, as cited on However, women are least likely to have a financial planner or money coach.

2.       Lack of a written financial game plan. The average life expectancy for women is 81 years, compared to 73 years for men. (The Social Security Administration) The fact that women are less likely to sit down with a professional to map out their financial future is very dangerous because even though women have longer life expectancies, when asked how much they were aiming for in retirement savings, women aimed lower, with a median goal of $200,000 versus $400,000 for men. (Retirement Fitness Survey 2010) So it’s even more important for women to make sure they are on track for retirement. Most people I sit down with are more concerned with running out of money in retirement than dying too soon. It’s still important though to address both concerns.

3.       Lack of accountability. Life is full of ups and downs...peaks and valleys. Statistics show nearly two-thirds of U.S. women ages 40 to 79 have already dealt with a major financial “life crisis”, such as a job loss, divorce, death of a spouse or serious illness. (AARP, “Understanding Women’s Financial Needs and Behavior” 2007 survey) So having a money coach who has a vested interest in your financial success is essential to helping you navigate the twists and turns that life can bring about.

As you can see, women have a very specific set of needs when it comes to creating a financial strategy. If you have financial concerns, need to ask questions or would like assistance in taking inspired action to create the life you desire, please send me an email. I pray this information was helpful. Brightest blessings!

Misty Muhammad
Financial Strategist/Money Coach

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What Happened to our Queens?

A few weeks ago, a guy posted a question on Instagram asking, “What happened to my queens?”  And my response to him was, “They tried too hard to become Kings so that the Kings would pay them attention and mistakenly became Harlots because they saw that the Kings preferred them.”  I call this “The Mirror Effect”.  It’s where a woman mirrors a man’s behavior in hopes that he will then mirror hers in return.  But what us women (yes me included) don’t understand is that while we move on emotion, men move on logic and reason.  If something is working in their favor, they won’t see a reason to change.  Let me give you an example: Man and woman meet, man says to woman, “I don’t want a relationship, I just want friends, maybe even a cut buddy from time to time.” Woman agrees (Mirrors him). Man and woman start hanging out and woman gives man some “cut”.  Woman really starts to like man and starts to do things for man to show him that she is feeling him.  In the back of woman’s mind, she is hoping that man is changing his mind and wanting more just as she has (hopes he mirrors her).  But what woman fails to realize is man is getting what he wants and therefore sees no reason to change.  Now this is not the case in every situation; there have been plenty of healthy relationships where this “practice” has worked in the woman’s favor.   But let me serve as a voice of reason to my ladies; the way to a man’s heart is NOT through YOUR vagina.  Fortunately or unfortunately; however you may look at it, men are wired differently.  Their natural instinct is to procreate that is why they are able to separate sex from their emotions.  IF THEY CHOOSE TO.  We are not conditioned in this regard.  Now I understand that some of the blame should be put on them as well, but it’s time for us women to have accountability for our own actions and stop pointing the finger elsewhere when we have the power to change our lives.  I know some of the blame can go to our fathers for not being there and some to our mothers for not knowing how to give us that paternal love but at some point in our lives, we must take a look at what we are doing to cause the strife in our lives. 
We gotta get back to the days where the men were the pursuers because the women knew their value and wouldn’t allow for anything less.  “(S)he who chooses, holds the power”.  Ladies, we gotta get our power back. We have to understand that we have the power, yes fellas THE POWER; to make a man do ANYTHING we want him to without him laying one finger on our body.  My mother used to always tell me, “Never reveal all your cards to a man up front.”  We must keep an air of mystery ladies, keep them guessing, keep them engaged.  Not being so available.  We need to remove the mirrors from his face and place them in front of our own.  We must get back to making ourselves happy first.  Not compromising our Queendom just to emulate his supreme when his duties as King are different than our own.
I know that our Queens are still out there and I have faith that we can gain our power back and once again reign supreme.
Tiera Gray
Tiera has launched her Love Sex & Baggage movement in hopes to bridge the gap between men and women and help destroy the myths that each sex has in regards to each other. This movement is meant to inspire, intrigue, and provoke all your senses and evoke change in your love life. She has also launched her highly anticipated new web series, “The Amazing Woman’s Guide to Loving Her Single Life” on the Love Sex & Baggage You Tube channel which takes a modern day look at single women today trying to navigate their way through dating.
Her next book, “The Girl in the Uhaul” is scheduled to release August 2016!
To see or hear more of what Tiera Nicole has going on, check her out:
Instagram- @Iam_TieraNicole

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

True Love is Your Birthright: You Don’t Have to Choose Between Love and Work!

As a smart and driven professional, you’ll have to make sacrifices.  But your relationship shouldn’t be one of them.
Your work life and love life are not separate.  In fact, they are intricately weaved together and perfectly complemented.  Your relationships give you the external accountability you need to expand and refine yourself. 
There’s no such thing as “perfect” in business or in love.  You must be willing to start where you are, seek out information and mentors, and strategize if you want to succeed.  You don’t have to do it alone and you don’t have to choose one area of life over another. 
Love provides the best space to nurture, cultivate and share your unique purpose.  Practicing these four strategies helps even the busiest most driven women strengthen their intimate and professional relationships to make the journey as sweet as the destination.

1.       Mindfulness
I know the ideas never stop coming and there’s always work that needs to get done, but taking time away from your work can actually help your business.  Setting a time to work and a time to connect with your love is vital for true work life balance.  Mindfulness in your relationship lets your love know they are wanted and it lets you enjoy the moment without stressing over the past or worrying about the future.  Mindfulness is also important in your professional tasks and work contributions because it produces excellence through focus versus measuring volume in quotas or time.

2.       Intimacy
Intimacy is all about quality over quantity.  As a busy professional, you make sacrifices to make way for your vision but intimacy shouldn’t be one of them!  Love is service.  Make the time to learn your partner’s love recipe and serve it up daily.  Put your love life on your to-do list by doing one thing each day to let your love know how special they are to you.  And remember, your professional expertise comes not only from mastering the techniques of your trade, but also from an intimate understanding of the emotional and psychological needs of your clients.

3.       Purpose
Be as purposeful about your love as you are about your business!  Set relationship goals like you set business goals.  Choose a skill you want to develop and read the book, find the mentor or attend the conference that will help you get to the next level.  Take inventory, track your progress and don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments.  Being true to your purpose helps you stay focused on why you do what you do.  Purpose lets you define your own definition of success in both love and work.

4.       Communication
Everyone says communication is important to a successful relationship.  But what exactly does that mean?  We often know WHY we want love … but we don’t always know HOW to communicate our wants and desires so they are understood.  Practicing great communication involves mastering self-expression, male/female communication, and conflict resolution.  Knowing how, what, why and when to communicate to partners, current clients and potential clients helps you cultivate strong relationships and build community.

When our relationships are thriving they give us the fuel to drive through disappointments, the energy to recharge our commitments and the courage to face our fears.  When they aren’t, we miss the connection to others that make it all worthwhile.  The best way to ensure you thrive is to be as passionate about your love life as you are about your purpose.  

Nwasha Edu is an internationally recognized best-selling author and relationship expert who serves women of color in their intimate, personal and professional lives.  She is passionate about ending misogyny and helping women master the art and science of soul-mate strategy.  She is the author of Akoma Day: Guidebook onto the Sacred Science of Soulmating & Cultural Alternative to Valentine's Day and You Are What You Cheat: Guidebook into Understanding and Overcoming Infidelity.  She has been featured in national and international media, including Essence Magazine and the Oprah Winfrey Network.  She is the co-founder of Akoma House Initiative, a culturally-based counseling firm, and co-creator of Akoma Day presently celebrated in 13 countries.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Smart Stepparenting

*As posted on*

Parenting in stepfamilies is a two, three, or four-person (sometimes more!) dance. Parent-stepparent harmony is the crux of successful parenting within your home. The two most critical relationships in any stepfamily home are the marriage and the stepparent-stepchildren relationships.
The marriage must be strong to endure the many pressures that stepfamily couples face and provide the backbone to stepfamily stability. Almost as important is the stepparent-stepchildren relationship. The stepparent's role in the family is critical because it dramatically affects the level of stress in children. Less stress in children equals more harmony with stepparents; that in turn leads to more harmony in the marriage.
Many people assume incorrectly that stepparenting is the sole responsibility of the stepparent. This assumption pits husband and wife against one another when the stepparent flounders or upsets the children. On the contrary, stepparenting is a two-person task.
Biological parents and stepparents must work out roles that complement one another and play to each other's strengths. Just as in two-biological parent homes, parents and stepparents must be unified in goals and work together as a team. Stepparents who are struggling need biological parents who will step up to the plate.
Stepparents and biological parents do not function in a vacuum, isolated from one another. In fact, what is needed most is a working alliance between the parent and stepparent that helps to clarify the stepparent’s role. Smart stepparenting means planning and parenting together.

Rewards & Challenges

No one ever dreams of growing up and becoming a stepparent. It's just not part of our "and they lived happily ever after" fantasy. Nor does society teach us an effective stepparent role. We make it up as we go.
"I feel more like a maid than a mother."
But not all children feel negatively toward stepparents.
When I was four years old my father died, and two years later my mother met my stepdad. There were six of us kids to raise, plus he had three from his previous marriage. When they got married he helped her raise us and treated us like his very own kids. I never knew my father; Ted is the only real father I ever knew. Though we have had our ups and downs I would never trade him for any other father in the world. Stepdaughter
Please remember when the "going gets tough" that all the hard work and discomfort of stepparenting can pay off. It probably won't live up to the fantasy you have created, but it can be pretty good. Remember, there are both rewards and challenges; only determination will bring rewards.

Be Patient!

General stepfamily integration and bonding with a stepchild hardly ever happens as quickly as adults want it to. It just doesn't happen on their timetable. Stepfamily researcher James Bray discovered that stepfamilies don't begin to think or act like a family until the end of the second or third year.1 Furthermore, Patricia Papernow, author of the book Becoming a Stepfamily, discovered that it takes the average stepfamily seven years to integrate sufficiently to experience intimacy and authenticity in step relationships.2
Fast families can accomplish this in four years, if the children are young and the adults are intentional about bringing their family together. However, slow families, according to Papernow, can take nine or more years. In my experience, very few adults come into their stepfamily believing it will take this long. They want a quick, painless blending process. In fact, if they had known the journey would take so long, they might not have signed on in the first place.
So why does it take so long to combine a stepfamily and bond with a stepchild? Here are a few reasons:
  • The stepfamily is filled with complex dynamics that take most adults by surprise.
  • Family therapists have long recognized that divorce doesn't really end family life; it just reorganizes it. In effect, it spreads your family out over multiple households. Emotional and relational dynamics that preceded the divorce continue even though the family living arrangements have been restructured.
  • Stepfamilies need to realize that all the people sharing a home with your children and stepchildren are part of your "expanded" family. Start counting, and the total number of people can be exasperating! Indeed, stepfamilies don't have a family tree, they have a family forest! This complex forest simply takes time to integrate.
  • A seminar participant once asked me what he could have done differently to build a relationship with his stepdaughter. He described how he took his new 12-year-old stepdaughter out shopping and to get ice cream whenever possible. He asked her what activities she liked doing and then made sure they did them together. In his words, "I tried and tried, but she never warmed up to me, so I gave up."
Bewildered by the scenario, I asked for more information. He had become this girl's second stepfather after her mother divorced a second husband. The girl's biological father was uninvolved in her life, leaving a deep wound in her heart. Her first stepfather was aloof, distant and critical.
I suggested to the gentleman that, because of them, he had two strikes against him when he remarried her mother. But the real clincher came when I asked how long he had attempted to win his stepdaughter's heart. Three months. You see, he simply didn't take into consideration all that this girl had been through and how long it takes for step relationships to develop. His intentions were good. His actions were on target. He just wasn't patient enough.

Qualities of Effective Stepparents

The attitudes and expectations you carry either make bonding with a stepchild easier or more difficult. In addition, there are many factors that, in truth, have very little to do with you, and everything to do with the child and his or her other relationships and past.
Finding a map for your stepfamily journey means understanding the factors that make or break your place in the home. Keep reading to continue pulling the pieces together.

Enjoy the Relationship You Have Now

The cardinal rule for stepparent bonding is to let the children set the pace for their relationship with you.
  • If they welcome or seek affection, then go for it.
  • If they remain distant and cordial, honor that as well.
  • If they follow your rules and respect your decisions, continue to assert your given authority.
  • If they challenge your authority, find ways to live on borrowed power from the biological parent.
Effective stepparents know that building a connection with stepchildren takes time, yet they don't emphasize "deepening the bond" to the point that they miss the relationship they currently have. Learn to find the nuggets of good in the relationship you have now. Be patient and keep seeking to grow with your stepchildren, but don’t add too much pressure.

Have Realistic Expectations

Parents and stepparents tend to assume that children want a close, warm relationship with the stepparent. Biological parents want their children to be happy with their choice of mate, and stepparents assume they need to be someone special to the children. Kids say otherwise.
When asked how the stepparent role should be performed, parents and stepparents generally envision the role in similar ways. In one study, close to half of them said the ideal stepparent role should be one of "parent" as opposed to "stepparent" or "friend." In contrast, 40 percent of stepchildren identified "friend" as the ideal role. Far fewer children thought a "parent" role was ideal.3 "Parents" give hugs and expect obedience to their rules; "friends" offer support and encourage positive values in a child's life.
Stepparents need to learn to relax into their role and not expect too much of themselves. To expect too much is to set themselves up for disappointment and frustration. Biological parents also need to relax and let stepparents and stepchildren carve out their relationship.
James Bray discovered that most stepchildren in the early years of stepfamily life view the stepparent like a coach or camp counselor.4 Such people have limited authority with children and provide instruction, but they are not "parents." However, just because your stepchildren don't give you unsolicited hugs does not mean you don't have a decent relationship. Having stepchildren who talk to you only when they want something is not an indication that you are a poor stepparent. It represents where you are today. Relax and trust that the relationship will grow over time.

  • James Bray, Stepfamilies: Love, Marriage, and Parenting in the First Decade (New York: Broadway Books, 1998. 
  • Patricia Papernow, Becoming a Stepfamily: Patterns of Development in Remarried Families (New York: Gardner Press, 1993 
  • Fine, M. (1997, Fall). The Role of the Stepparent: How Similar are the Views of Stepparents, Parents, and Stepchildren? Stepfamilies Quarterly [online]. Available: 
  • James Bray, (1998). Stepfamilies: Love, Marriage, and Parenting in the First Decade (New York: Broadway Books). 

  • Ron Deal is husband to Nan (since 1986) and proud father of Braden, Connor, and Brennan. Everything else is just details.
    Ron is a marriage and family author, conference speaker, and therapist. His top selling books, online articles, and daily 60-second radio feature FamilyLife Blended (listen here) make him one of the most widely read and referenced authors on stepfamilies in the world. He is Founder and President of Smart Stepfamilies™ and Director of FamilyLife Blended™, the ministry initiative of FamilyLife® to stepfamilies (for more and