Wednesday, February 10, 2016

True Love is Your Birthright: You Don’t Have to Choose Between Love and Work!

As a smart and driven professional, you’ll have to make sacrifices.  But your relationship shouldn’t be one of them.
Your work life and love life are not separate.  In fact, they are intricately weaved together and perfectly complemented.  Your relationships give you the external accountability you need to expand and refine yourself. 
There’s no such thing as “perfect” in business or in love.  You must be willing to start where you are, seek out information and mentors, and strategize if you want to succeed.  You don’t have to do it alone and you don’t have to choose one area of life over another. 
Love provides the best space to nurture, cultivate and share your unique purpose.  Practicing these four strategies helps even the busiest most driven women strengthen their intimate and professional relationships to make the journey as sweet as the destination.

1.       Mindfulness
I know the ideas never stop coming and there’s always work that needs to get done, but taking time away from your work can actually help your business.  Setting a time to work and a time to connect with your love is vital for true work life balance.  Mindfulness in your relationship lets your love know they are wanted and it lets you enjoy the moment without stressing over the past or worrying about the future.  Mindfulness is also important in your professional tasks and work contributions because it produces excellence through focus versus measuring volume in quotas or time.

2.       Intimacy
Intimacy is all about quality over quantity.  As a busy professional, you make sacrifices to make way for your vision but intimacy shouldn’t be one of them!  Love is service.  Make the time to learn your partner’s love recipe and serve it up daily.  Put your love life on your to-do list by doing one thing each day to let your love know how special they are to you.  And remember, your professional expertise comes not only from mastering the techniques of your trade, but also from an intimate understanding of the emotional and psychological needs of your clients.

3.       Purpose
Be as purposeful about your love as you are about your business!  Set relationship goals like you set business goals.  Choose a skill you want to develop and read the book, find the mentor or attend the conference that will help you get to the next level.  Take inventory, track your progress and don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments.  Being true to your purpose helps you stay focused on why you do what you do.  Purpose lets you define your own definition of success in both love and work.

4.       Communication
Everyone says communication is important to a successful relationship.  But what exactly does that mean?  We often know WHY we want love … but we don’t always know HOW to communicate our wants and desires so they are understood.  Practicing great communication involves mastering self-expression, male/female communication, and conflict resolution.  Knowing how, what, why and when to communicate to partners, current clients and potential clients helps you cultivate strong relationships and build community.

When our relationships are thriving they give us the fuel to drive through disappointments, the energy to recharge our commitments and the courage to face our fears.  When they aren’t, we miss the connection to others that make it all worthwhile.  The best way to ensure you thrive is to be as passionate about your love life as you are about your purpose.  

Nwasha Edu is an internationally recognized best-selling author and relationship expert who serves women of color in their intimate, personal and professional lives.  She is passionate about ending misogyny and helping women master the art and science of soul-mate strategy.  She is the author of Akoma Day: Guidebook onto the Sacred Science of Soulmating & Cultural Alternative to Valentine's Day and You Are What You Cheat: Guidebook into Understanding and Overcoming Infidelity.  She has been featured in national and international media, including Essence Magazine and the Oprah Winfrey Network.  She is the co-founder of Akoma House Initiative, a culturally-based counseling firm, and co-creator of Akoma Day presently celebrated in 13 countries.

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