Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Power of Consistency

So this article might offend some of you. It might make some angry. But I have to say it. The reason why there aren’t more millionaires, more great businesses, happy marriages, more well­behaved kids, and more people in shape all boils down to one thing.


If you’re not consistently working to improve yourself, consistently working to grow your business or get better at what you do or consistently eating healthy and exercising, you’re moving backwards. Let's be honest, these days most people have the attention span of a flee.

To achieve anything great requires a commitment to consistency in order to see that vision of greatness come to life.

I can’t tell you the number of times I speak to people who want to lose weight and get in shape. And guess what their number one challenge is?

Sticking to a regimen.

Or in other words consistency.

To be consistent, you have to take the long view. You have to see the forest for the trees. You have to be able to get over the little hurdles and setbacks and know that you are on a journey that most likely won’t happen overnight. Greatness is a process.

Weight loss is a process.

Learning to eat healthy is a process.

Putting your needs first is. a. process.

Communicating well with your partner is a process.

And all of these things can lead to an incredible outcome whether it be making more money, being in a great relationship or wearing a two piece at the beach, but they are require consistency in action and effort.

And the truth of the matter is, when you really REALLY want something, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it. (iPhone 6s anyone?)

So if you’re having a hard time being consistent with anything in your life, question your motivation. How badly do you want it?

Because the truth is most people think they want to lose weight more than anything. I ask them if they are sure they really want it. And they implore me that YES! They really really want to lose weight.

And sometimes I tell them, that’s not the truth. The truth is that they REALLY want something more. They want the cookies more. The fried foods more. The gummy bears more.

Because when you really want something, you will move through hell or high water to get it. You will scrimp and save. You will do what it takes and will do it consistently until you get it.

So what do you really want?

Your friendly neighborhood cellulite fighter,

P.S. As a special gift to HWHN readers, I want to help you be more consistent when it comes to your workout regimen, so I’m giving away a copy of my 7 Best At Home Workouts. Grab your copy today by clicking this link: Aja’s 7 At Home workouts

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