Wednesday, April 27, 2016

5 Things Your Brand Should Learn From Beyoncé’s Lemonade

**As originally posted on Huffington Post Black Voices**
So if you were anywhere near a TV, computer, cell phone, well any electronic device then you should know all about Lemonade. And no I’m not talking about the Country Inn kind your Mom use to make. I’m referring to the Queen of Killer Launches ........Beyoncé!
So the Leader of the Beehive has done it again! She’s got the whole world talking about her. And I’m joining in the conversation. But I’m not here to talk about the phenomenal imagery of the videos, the emotional subject matter or any of that. As I watched the visual album on HBO and all the buzz throughout social media it became obvious the lessons that all entrepreneurs could learn from this. There are five specific lessons I want to share with you that will help your to catapult your brand to Beyoncé status in your industry.
1. Dare to Be Different! - We can’t keep ourselves inside the box. And we DEFINITELY cannot allow others to force you into a box they’ve created. Though Beyoncé was not the first person to have a visual album and this is not even her first visual album (remember the “Beyoncé” album). However, it is still considered different in the fact it’s not the everyday norm of releasing music. As Entrepreneurs we have to be confident with going with the ideas that we receive even if it’s not being done in your industry. Different is what makes you STAND OUT! Embrace your brand’s uniqueness, don’t run from it.
2. Don’t Be Afraid To Be Vulnerable! - All over social media as the words poured in as varying views of the videos included in the album. They were everywhere I turned on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, not to mention just type in the word lemonade on Google and see how B takes over the World Wide Web! However, whether they like the album or not the same words were used to describe it; raw, emotional, artistic, strength, pain and forgiveness. She allowed herself to be very open and show her vulnerability to people about her martial struggles (alleged). By being so open with her emotions and not being afraid to do so made her audience relate to her even more. The same is true for all of us in business. Stop only wanting to share the good and glamorous side of entrepreneurship. Being open and honest will allow your audience to trust you more!
3. Give Your Audience What They Want! - There are many speculations as to why Beyoncé gets the response she does from her fans...respect the Beehive or they will come for you! No matter what your thoughts are to the why at the heart of it all is that she give them what THEY WANT. She’s very in tune with her audience. How in tune are you with yours? Are you giving them what they want or what you want them to have? They’re not always the same thing. Building community is imperative your brand’s success. Get people off social media and in your mailing list. So that you can connect with them even the more. When creating programs, products or services you have to tap into your ideal client’s desires and needs.
4. Let Your Genius and Gift Speak For Itself! - Whether you like Beyoncé or not the one thing you CAN’T deny is her gift. She’s not only a musical genius, but a marketing and branding one as well. Even with the flawless way in which she executes her releases it wouldn’t matter if the music was garbage. So let this be a lesson to you as well. No matter what hype you drum up around your Brand if there’s no substance behind it you WILL be found out! Trust your gift, embrace your genius zone and allow it to speak for itself.
5. Think of a Master Plan & Keep It To Yourself! - Trust me I know when you create something new you want to shout it from the rooftops! It’s bubbling up inside of you, however telling the world is not always the best thing to do. Part of why Beyoncé’s projects like Lemonade and the Formation Tour are able to be the huge successful releases that they were is because she put together a Master Plan for them. These were not easy undertakings the thought and planning is apparent! The way in which she laid out the release of Lemonade on HBO as well as on social media was impeccable. Playing a major role in the success was the elements of surprise and curiosity. Both of which could only be accomplished at this level by keeping it under wraps. Not just herself, but her team as well. Just think of all of the people involved in creating this visual album and NOTHING leaked!! So learn to keep things to yourself and when you need a team to help you launch be sure you chose the right ones to share with and take whatever means necessary to ensure their discretion. I’m sure there were tons of Non-Disclosures signed for this project. The proof is in the EXECUTION not the CONVERSATION.
So let us all learn from this amazing songwriter, musical artist, and business phenomenon. No matter what’s going on in your business it’s time to get yourself into Formation and turn those lemons into lemonade....... (I know, I know; I couldn’t help myself!)
Branding (Coach*Strategist*Designer), Speaker, and International Best Selling Author

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Successful vs Unsuccessful People

Your habits and mindset has a great influence on your success, success with finances and life. The above infographic has been circulating after MaryEllen Tribby posted it on It goes through some great tips and habits that you should institute if you want to be successful and some that you should drop to avoid not reaching success (notice I didn't say failure). There are definitely some key elements that should be highlighted.
1) Continuously gather knowledge and learn things that will help you move forward. When trying to accomplish a goal, learn all that you can about the subject. Learn about the tools and resources available to you to assist with accomplishing your goal. Unsuccessful people don't actively gather information and don't act on the knowledge that they do have. There's a vast amount of information available to help you master your finances and reach financial success. Actively seek it out and apply the knowledge when you acquire it.

2) Giving to others is necessary. Don't horde what you know and don't try to step on others to reach your goals. Many people have a fear of letting others know what they know, of giving to much away. You want others to help and promote you without doing the same for others? It doesn't work that way. Share information and tools and others will be more likely to do the same with you. If you come across a great resource for saving money, cutting costs, etc share the wealth and let others know. 

3) Accept responsibility for your failure. The fact that this is listed on the successful people side of the graphic says a lot. You cannot reach success without some failures. Don't give up in the face of failure. Learn the lesson and use that failure as a stepping stone to do even better. Say you wanted to pay off your debt and made a plan to do so but along came an emergency and you had to incur more debt. Establish an emergency fund so you'll be better prepared next time and move forward.

About the Author: Dr. Maria James
Maria James has a compassion for people that makes her involvement in Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation a sure fit. She is a biomedical scientist who is public health conscience and has always worked for the betterment of others. While an undergraduate student at Johns Hopkins University she co-founded an organization called STOP, which taught basic self-defense to women and children. Her has a passion for diverse communities led her to live in Costa Rica for three weeks to learn more about the culture and community. Maria also continues to pursue her other interests which include, Spanish and finance. Maria also founded the business Pocket of Money, LLC which provides tools and tips to help you take control of your money and live your best life.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

21 Things The Unlimited Woman Does NOT Fear

We all know that women have amazing super powers that allow her to rear children, run businesses, give to her community, excel in her career and do it ALL while looking good! Women seem to naturally have skill sets that allow them to effortlessly be and do much for so many. Even though it seems she can do it all and is the superwoman in her world, there are areas in life where she sometimes feels inadequate or has fear that deter her from using her unlimited 'super powers'.

Fear impacts our drive and will to succeed. When our focus is directed towards "I Can" & "I Will", power is taken away from the fears we have.

The unlimited woman will face many emotions, including doubt and fear but she overcomes when she embraces all the reasons why she is FEARLESS & UNLIMITED!

Check out 21 reasons why the unlimited woman is a winner:

1) Investing in herself and her development.
2) Embracing her unique & authentic self.
3) She does not fear 'getting out of her comfort zone'.
4) Being completely comfortable in her skin.
5) She does not fear failure, she knows it is an opportunity for growth.
6) Being transparent and asking for help.
7) Redefining herself when necessary.
8) Trying something new.
9) Being unconventional and willing to think outside of the "box". She does not accept boxes that she or others try to put her in.
10) Receiving valuable feedback from trusted sources.
11) Change, she knows life happens but she has the power to shift the direction of her life.
12) Being vulnerable, yet wise.
13) Success. She doesn't fear success because it is a reflection of her tribe and her success benefits her community.
14) Managing relationships appropriately. (ie. Building, redefining, ending some, etc.)
15) Collaborating with and supporting other women.
16) She doesn't fear honoring the gifts in others.
17) The future. She doesn't fear the future, because she creates a plan.
18) Love, being loved, giving love.The unlimited woman does not fear love, but welcomes it.
19) She does not fear asking for help and does not fear creating what she needs.
20) Getting 'it' wrong from time to time. She knows that sometimes getting 'it' wrong grants the space to learn a in new or different way.
21) She doesn't fear diversity but she sees the value and beauty in it.

How do you face & overcome your fears and doubts as you lead an unlimited life? Use the hashtag #unlimited16

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

YOU are Your Business, Self-Care is NOT Optional

No matter what strategies you acquire for business,  if you're health is poor you will not have the capacity to implement them. If self-care is not in your business plan you are sabotaging your wealth. Your health- mind, body, and spirit- is your wealth.

Self-care is a marketing tool. It directly impacts your influence and impact in the marketplace. People are attracted to your light. Self-care is also the evidence of the integrity of your brand. If what you offer is not taking you higher in life, how can it produce those results for others? You cannot give what you do not have.

I know the temptation to be an entrepreneurial martyr: the one who is always available, burnt out, and stressed out. There is another way. You did not create a business to be a slave to your business. When you are good to yourself first, you are able to create a space for maximum impact as a business owner.

I can't wait to give you a blueprint for how to care for yourself as the amazing visionary you are. Join me at the 13th annual HWHN conference and you will learn 5 key ways to care for yourself in a way that will make your business go BOOM! Get ready to elevate and #HealEverything! It is the guarantee of your success!

Your empowerment is my passion. I am Thema Azize Serwa, visionary of The Womb Sauna! I discovered my passion to lead people to their highest potential at age 6 creating my first organization. For years I leased out my life, energy, and focus to working for others' dreams. That was my training ground for my own life's purpose. After experiencing my own personal health crisis, my priorities changed. I healed my body, mind, spirit, and the rest is history. I now choose every day to demonstrate to the world, what a whole, healthy, powerful woman looks like. As a result, other amazing women are inspired to access their own power. This is my life's work.