Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Moving Toward Financial Success

Dr. James, our resident Money Scientist, has agreed to give you the first peek at her latest article for this week! You're the very first people to see it.

by Dr. Maria James

In our society, money is necessary. Whether it's something that you need or want, you need money to get it. In order to have shelter you're likely paying rent or mortgage. In order to feed yourself and your family you need to purchase food and groceries. In order to get around you need transportation, whether you take public transportation or you drive your own car. Money permeates every aspect of our lives; however, the majority of Americans can't answer questions about basic personal finance concepts. The majority of us are in debt, 80% of Americans have debt! That's right, so people with high incomes and a lot of money coming in are still in debt. That person who makes $100,000 a year hasn't reached financial success and likely has debt.

It's not what you make it's what you keep. It's how you manage your money and what you do with your income and resources. Unfortunately, many of us don't know how to manage it and it shows. Over 40% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. A small delay of incoming cash causes late payments of bills and hard decisions about paying for items such as food, gas for the car or medication. One small emergency will completely throw off or disrupt the shaky balance of your finances. No one wants to live this way. The good thing is you don't have to live in fear. You can change this circumstance.

Financial success requires more than knowing when your bills are due. The science of creating wealth has been determined. It's known, I know it and you can learn it too. You need a mix of the right knowledge, behavior and attitude. Financial literacy is a tool in your personal finance toolbox. So that probably made you wonder what are some other tools you should have. Here are a few other key tools:

1) A spending plan.
You must plan out your cash flow, how much is coming in, how much you're spending and where you plan to spend it. This is crucial to achieving your goals, one of the lower rungs on the ladder towards financial success.

2) A tracking system.
You have to have a way to track your expenses and income. For most, the income is easy. It's your paycheck. However, your expenses are variable and have many different categories. You need a way to keep track of the money flowing out so you don't overspend and you can properly take of your home, children, nourishment etc.

3) Investments.
Send your money to work for you to earn more money or at least keep up with inflation. It's an important part of your long-term money strategies and preparing for future expenses like retirement or your children's education. You don't have to be a stock broker, know how to pick stocks or know how to read the financial reports on the stock market in order to do this.

4) A reward system.
I know this one comes as a shock, but it's true. I believe in luxury in frugal living. You have to be able to enjoy the now as well. If you aren't having any fun and you only think of sacrifice and limitations when you're managing your money, you won't be able to stick to your plan. Include a reward system that correlates with your plan so you'll be able to follow-through and consistently implement your financial plan.

Having the knowledge and using the right tools will allow you to save money, conquer debt, build wealth and upgrade your life. Move towards living debt free. Move towards less stress about money. Move towards financial freedom.

If you'd like more information and detail, I'll be conducting a free webinar titled "Earn it. Save it. Grow it!" on Saturday, October 12, 2013. Click here for more information..

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Five Biggest Lies We Believe

by Tosh Patterson

Have you ever lost some weight, gained some weight? Then repeated the lose/gain yo-yo pattern?

Me too. You're not alone in that experience.

I was able to get out of the yo-yo pattern by first shifting my thinking. Releasing weight, instead of losing weight.

Releasing the mental weight of past hurt, fear, and doubt. Letting go of not feeling good enough. Losing implies you will find it again and, well, I know you don't want to find old physical or mental weight.

Coming at healthy weight management from the angle of releasing weight, instead of losing weight has made all the difference. And, honestly, taming my own inner mean girl seems to be more of a hurdle than shedding the pounds.

After working with clients PLUS my own personal experience, I believe there are 5 big ugly lies that keep us stuck.

Until you can recognize the lies you tell yourself, you'll stay stuck inside a blind force that keeps you standing still. The real question is, how long will you continue to let self-sabotage keep you away from vibrant health and well-being?

The 5 Biggest Lies We Believe

Lie #1: It Must Be Perfect. I can't say it enough: ditch perfection & chase consistent action. Striving for perfection can be toxic & cause you to throw in the towel if you make one mistake. MAKE MISTAKES...these are signs of your own growth.

Lie #2: I Don't Have Time. That's just a grown-up excuse for 'I don't want to'. There are more than enough hours in the day for you to cook your meals and exercise for 15 minutes. With 24 hours in the day, how many are you throwing away on TV, email, FB, etc? Make yourself a priority!

Lie #3: I Have To Because. In each moment you have power of choice: from what you put on your plate to what you drink to what you wear, you are always in choice.
There is absolutely nothing in the world that you have to do for yourself, or anyone else. Come, instead, from the mindset of 'I want to do this for myself because I say it's important".

Lie #4: I Can't.
Umm, hello, yes you can! Stop beating yourself up. Stop playing small. You are more than capable...just take the first step.

Lie #5: I'm Not Good Enough.
This, perhaps, is the hardest of the lies we believe. It lurks in our minds and it keeps us from stepping into being our best selves.

Often people say 'eating well is too expensive' or 'I can't do that (fill-in the blank) for myself'. But the truth is that you are more than worthy of eating well & living well. You deserve to be happy and love the skin you are in. You ARE good enough!
If your lie is one of these five, or another, we all have the ability to break free!

Here are three simple steps to help you break free from the lies:

Step 1: Accept responsibility for the lies you have told yourself.
Step 2: Acknowledge them when they arise.
Step 3: Practice releasing them & embracing YOUR POWER OF CHOICE.

So I invite you to break free from the lies that are ruining and limiting you from being your absolute best self.
About Tosh: Chief Healthinista, Tosh Patterson, helps her clients shift from being overweight to healthy weight with a three step system. She helps smart & successful women snatch back their lives, win back their bodies, and restore their mindset for long term success. Despite excelling in many areas of life, Tosh struggled with being overweight and was nearly 300 pounds. She is now known as The Healthinista, not because she's a size 4, but because she lost 70 pounds and continues to strive forward.
In addition to individual coaching, Tosh conducts corporate wellness workshops and business retreats. To receive Tosh's "Free Video Training Series Jumpstart Your Health" visit her site.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

6 Things You Should Do at the Start of Each Day

The first few hours of your day can have a significant effect on your level of productivity- so maybe you won't be wearing sequins to breakfast, however it's crucial that your morning routine...sets you up for success.
It may be difficult for those of us with children or for whom getting up with more than 45 minutes to spare is a challenge. But starting your day with some quiet mind settling time to yourself can make a world of difference. Breathe! Slow down before you launch into any projects and make it a routine.

Arrive on time.
Whether you work from home or travel to an office. Arrive in a timely fashion which will help you feel more in control of your day.  Some items from your to-do list the previous day may be on the agenda for this morning yet each day is a fresh one, so why it wasn't accomplished doesn't matter, hit the ground running now.

Prioritize your day.
Now, ideally your first task during the "first hour" of the day is to assess priorities and to focus on what you absolutely need to accomplish. Set your task list before you check email so you don't get caught up in what other people want or need from you.  This one may be difficult but it's crucial for a successful day. Do not check your email first thing in the morning wait until you've gotten yourself focused. Once you dig into email prioritize those as well by responding to urgent emails first and then do the same with voice-mails and calls.

Acknowledge your team.
In other words be present, physically and mentally. If you're a boss with a staff or managing a team at work, you'll need to communicate effectively with them. So be fully present and take the time to connect with your team and this will allow you to set the tone for the day. (Works wonders with children too.)

Organize Your Space
Is your desk clear? Are your tools on hand? A clear and neat workspace sets a tone for the rest of the day. Hopefully, you were able to accomplish this the day before so you can have a clean slate in the morning however; it doesn't always work that way. Take the time to set your space a right.

Plan a mid-morning or afternoon break. You'll need to check what you've accomplished thus far and take a deep breath so you can finish as strong as you started