Wednesday, July 22, 2015

7 Courageous Actions to Maximize the Queen in You


We are in the middle of an awesome 2-day tele-summit entitled, "Because I am a Queen" and it is pure awesomeness! Where else can you go as a woman to have every area of your life supported and celebrated and to TRULY get what you need? Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation!!

This tele-summit is for you to come and seek the answers for your next steps in your greatness. Because I Am a Queen offers practical steps and insights for those specific questions you need to ask yourself to become the confident queen you were created to be.

As I listened to all of the powerful information and saw all of the beautiful honesty, truths, and "Aha" moments posted in the Facebook group, I knew that this is definitely a training I will keep in my self development library as a refresher. We all have those moments when we question ourselves and wonder "Why I am doing this?" "Is it really worth it?" "Am I really equipped to do this?" This telesummit addressed how to handle yourself in those moments and to push past all of the negative people and thoughts that come your way. I am going to give you 7 of the Courageous Action Steps that I am holding onto from the first night of the call.  

1) Who are you? Of course you know your name, where you live, your parents, your occupation, etc,etc, but who ARE you? Do you know the essence of your being? Do you know the specific, individual, quirky, unique, amazing things about you that make you you? Do you know what makes you stand out and most importantly, do you own it? 

2) Why are you here? Once you know who you are, you can get clear about what you were created to do. We are each birthed into the world to solve a problem. You are on purpose.

 3) What’s holding you back? Ok, so you know who you are and why you are here, but you haven't taken action. Why? Because momma said it's not realistic? Your boyfriend said it's going to take too much time? Has your husband told you maybe later when you can fit it in the budget? Or maybe you told yourself you wouldn't be a good mother if you pursue it. Whatever "IT" is, recognize it and put some positivity on it. Positivity breeds progression. Allow yourself to honor your commit to your Creator by making a way to do what you are called to do.

4) 2There are 2 mindsets- Fixed and Growth- When you make the commit to move forward in your purpose, know that THAT is the moment when the work begins and it starts in the mind. It's ok. We all have to train those brain muscles to think about something other than math and history. You have to work the "I Can" brain muscle. We often fall into routines of living within boundaries that are set by others. sometimes we set our own unnecessary boundaries based off of what we see in other people. That "fixed" mindset says, "I can't. It won't work. That's not realistic." As we work that brain muscle and challenge it, we can create the "Growth" mindset that says, "I can. I will find a way to make it work because it is realistic." Have the growth mindset to realize there is more and go get it. And remember to build a community around you who support your "Growth mindset."

5) Get clear about what you want. This world is full of opportunity and options. It is completely true that everything is not for everybody. So what is for you? What are those desires of your heart? What motivates you? What keeps you going? Just as you are clear about your purpose and why you are here, get clear about what you want that will keep you here. Those things that bring joy and value to your life, those relationships, that lifestyle, that dream fulfilled, get clear about them and stay focused on them. Remind yourself of your goals, your dreams and your WHY. Great things come your way when you ask for what you want and what you need.  

6) Lift as you climb- I absolutely love this! As you grow, so does your community. The support system around you will get the trickle down of your efforts. There is room for everyone at the top, BUT, they must be willing. Don't be afraid to reach back and pull others up along with you. Know that someone is always waiting for you, and most of them you have never met. 

7) Don’t ask for permission. Give notice. BOOM!!! It doesn't get much realer than that! Stop waiting for someone else to say it's ok to live your purpose. Stop asking if someone will help and simply tell them how they can help. This is your life and your vision. No one else will ever do this thing like you so do it up and play full out!! 

I am so excited about what is in store for Part II of Because I Am a Queen. If you missed it, last night, do yourself a favor and make it a priority to join us tonight, July 22, 2015 at 9p EST. Register at and step into your royalty.

You are worth it.!

Kristin M. Young, “The Marriage Enthusiast” is a proud supporter and staff member of Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc. She is committed to supporting women in their journey to wholeness as individuals and in their marriages. 


  1. I listened to the telecast this morning and the vision and message was well received. I cried so much during the whole video because you both were right on point and right on time. I even took notes. I will be working the night shift so I will view part 2 tomorrow morning, but much love and many blessings to you both! "Facing It Until I Make It" #IAmQueen

    1. I'm so thrilled you found support in this session. We have to show up for each other.

  2. "Once you know who you are, you can get clear about what you were created to do. We are each birthed into the world to solve a problem. You are on purpose."

    This blew my mind! I just made the bold decision to follow the calling on my life, and go back to school to become an RN! I am going keep the above statement close by at all times!
