Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Caught in the Seasons

Long nights. Open-toed sandals. Frozen drinks. Cookouts. Get-togethers. Beach time. Road trips.
If you're anything like me, you love the flow and the beauty of the summer season.  Flowers in full bloom. Tropical fruit ripe for picking!
Yet, living a decade in the northeast, I'm over the snowstorms and other winter weather. Snow looks nice long as I'm on the inside of the window.
But one beautiful tree in my local park helped me find a deeper appreciation for the cold season. I sat in the summer under this majestic tree. All the wrinkles on the trunk make it look like a woman.
Her flowers in full bloom. Families eat and get shade under her. She in turn lays us the royal "Coming To America" treatment, spreading petals everywhere for us to walk like royalty.
But then I remember seeing her in fall,  when branches came down with the petals. No one traveled the park except the die hard athletes,  running laps.  Their focus was staying fit, so they overlooked the beautiful tree.
Then the air got crisper and colder; fewer athletes come up to the tree,  cautious about black ice and broken ankles. Our same beautiful tree stands naked in the park. Fallen flowers and branches leave her trunk fully exposed.
No matter what,  her trunk stays rooted and she matter-of-factly weathers the cold.
After the chill of the winter season, she will grow new branches and expose new blooms. Without fail, all will come to appreciate her beauty in the spring and enjoy her shade in the summer.
This had me wondering about my blooms and whether I was appreciated. I realized that many will come to admire the newness of my beautiful life. All will sit in the shade of my harvest. It will be rare for anyone to appreciate my natural beauty,  while I withstand the cold, the storms, and the solitude of growth.
Every new season, the flowers I bloom live off the strength of my roots. My fullest beauty is the roots planted and supporting me.
Trust your seasons. Get rooted. Be fruitful.

Kenya Pope is an Abundant Success Strategist for amazing women entrepreneurs. Her most important assignment is serving other phenomenal women to do the same—and more. As a spiritually aligned business guide, she blogs about Magic, Manifestation, and Majesty in creating a life based on what she calls “unworking.” She shares tools you can use to clear your energetic field and finally shift from voicelessness to divine power. Her latest publication, “From Lessness to Abundance: Lessons On How to Reclaim Your Seat on The Throne of Abundance” is now available on pre-order at Ask for your special gift with each pre-order.

For more information about her Goddess Builder brand business coaching, visit or send an inquiry to

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I vividly see this tree as a woman. As my ancestors. Thank you for this descriptive narrative. Stay rooted!
