When I was young I always dreamed of being a mother holding my percious baby in my arms someday. As I grew older I heard many stories from mothers telling me how horrible labor was, staying up all night with a newborn.. It affected the way I once felt about becoming a mom. Before I knew it, I was going to become a mother sooner than I expected...
Becoming a mother at eighteen was life changing for me. Growing up in a two parent home with strict rules and I couldn't date, hang out with friends, nothing. As the youngest of my brother and sister, my mom really treated me like the baby of the family. So when I turned sixteen, I lost my virginity to my son's father and became pregnant within that year. When I told my mother about the pregnancy it devastated her. She couldn't believe her babygirl was about to be a mom.. A woman now with real life responsibility...
As a family we managed to get through it which helped me get through the tough years of raising my son. He's now fifteen years old and a sophomore in high school and honor roll student. Although the turn out was good for me everyone's story isn't..
Here are five tips on getting through those tough moments as a Mother. ..
1.) Be open and honest about where you are. There are going to be days that have you feel less than a mom. When this takes place give yourself a timeout. Remote to a quiet place to breath, relax, and remove any negative thoughts. Most importantly, pray.
2.)Get a serious prayer life going. No one knows your story, pain, or mistake but God. As a young mom thier were times I felt judged, but my mother helped me through those times. Seeking God's face daily structured my outlook as a mom.
3.)Join a mommy and me group. The goal is to travel the mom journey together with other moms. Its a place where you will be supported by and have fun with other moms and often get the children to socialize together.
4.)Remove yourself from anything that will hinder your growth as a mom. As a young mother, my peers knew nothing about being a mom. I had to surround myself around other mothers who understood and had knowledge on motherhood.
5.)Meditate and focus on your emotions. As mothers we have to get our feelings in check. The more postive our thoughts are the better moms we are.

Tough times never last, but tough people do. See the link below for more info.