“Good ideas are not adopted automatically.
They must be driven into practice with courageous
~ Hyman Rickover
many times have you had ideas churning in your head…little ones; big ones;
dreams; goals; intentions; projects? How many times have you acted on those
ideas? Even more telling, how much income have you realized from your ideas? What
stops you? What challenges you?
There are a plethora of books, seminars
and programs on creativity and how to get ideas. Yet once you have them, how do
you organize your thoughts and make sense of them to determine which ones to
pursue? How do you communicate your ideas and convince people to act on them?
How do you determine your own actions? Which ideas are your “money ideas”?
You typically want your ideas to have an
impact whether they are for an invention, a solution to a problem, an easier or
more efficient way to do something, a change to a process, the next book or
movie premise, a way to better establish a relationship, or a suggestion for
working smarter rather than harder. I define a methodology for organizing, communicating,
selling, and acting on ideas as a process I designate IMPACT©, detailed
in my book Hey, That’s My Idea! .
Let me overview this process that takes you “from idea to implementation” so
that you turn your ideas and suggestions into income and being impactful.
IMPACT© is my mnemonic that
helps you recall the six stages you navigate to take your ideas from mind to money
and matter. This diagram visually represents the sequence of thoughts and
actions for you to follow to organize, document, communicate, and encourage
action on your ideas.
The IMPACT© process comprises six stages:
I - Initiate your idea.
Choose your “money idea” with import.
Apply critical and creative thinking to develop it.
Capture your thoughts.
M - Mold your message.
Take inventory of
reasons, data, and facts – ask questions for more details.
Edit them down to
their essence.
Organize the
elements for persuasion.
Clear them up,
write them down for visual perspective.
P - Plot your strategy.
Use sales
strategies to “sell your idea” (even if it is not for sale).
Pace yourself:
before, during, and after.
A - Attention…command It.
Consider your
audience’s norms.
Capture their
attention in a way to which they’ll respond.
C - Communicate for action.
Use positive
verbal and nonverbal techniques.
Integrate effective
presentation skills.
T - Terminate assertively.
Tell ‘em what you
want; make your call for action.
Make the tone
commensurate to the request.
Be gracious and
Let’s explore each stage in a bit more
depth. For the record, I use “idea”, “suggestion”, and “thoughts”
interchangeably to indicate the “stuff that’s in your head”.
Initiate your idea.
This first stage of the IMPACT©
process is where you examine your ideas and determine the one on which you will
focus your energies this time. Capture your other ideas so that you
don’t lose them, yet choose one with the most import to the time, situation,
and target audience on which to focus. Apply
critical and creative thinking techniques to develop your chosen idea. Once you
experience the IMPACT© process you will be able to return to your
other ideas and repeat the process.
Mold your message.
This second stage is where you do a “ideastorm”—a
transfer of everything you can think of and learn through research that relates
to your idea—from your head and disparate notes, into the documentation of your
choice (paper or electronic) so that your idea is physically in one place. It
must be highly visual so that you “see what you’ve been thinking”. Then use
proven organizational patterns to sort and shape the bits and pieces of your
idea to see it more clearly.
Plot your strategy.
This third stage is where you fine-tune your
organized idea. Plot your implementation action strategy so that you effectively
communicate and persuade other people to accept and act on your idea. Create
your sales strategy to figuratively “sell your idea” (even if it is not
literally for sale). Work out how you will present your idea to your target
Attention…command It.
The first three stages of the IMPACT©
process involve thinking, planning, organizing, and writing—so not sexy, yet necessary
before you implement a strategy. Legendary Quarterback and Hall-of-Famer Roger
Staubach said that spectacular achievements are usually preceded by
unspectacular preparation. The first IMPACT© stages are the
unspectacular preparation for communicating and implementing your idea. The
last three stages are your ACTion ones.
This fourth stage is where you fully
develop your communications strategies and start presenting your idea. Research
your audience to determine how your idea best meets their needs. Use effective
presentation techniques to capture your audience’s attention and interest them
in your idea. Communicate with authority
to command respect, and return focus to your idea when discussion goes off on a
Communicate for action.
This fifth stage is a seamless
continuation of the previous one where you hone your persuasion and
presentation techniques. Employ positive verbal and nonverbal communication
skills. Listen purposefully. React appropriately to challenges and questions.
Persuade your audience with your messages, reasoning, and public speaking
Terminate assertively.
This sixth stage is where you “seal the
deal”—make your call to put your idea into action. Present an action plan and schedule
next moves. Involve your audience in your plans and get commitments, with
deadlines. Be specific. Communicate the pay-off for acting on your idea. Make your
tone commensurate to your request. Express your appreciation. Remain in control
of your idea by steering the course for its implementation.
Increase your income IMPACT©-fully: stop
churning and start earning
Anyone can have a great idea. Yet, the leap
from inspiration to implementation is too wide for many to make. The gap
between idea and income is even wider for so many. By following the IMPACT©
process, the giant leap becomes manageable because you have tools that help you
stop churning and start earning. As an entrepreneur; professional; person
seeking to experience the “next chapter” in your life; a leader...implementing
a system, with tools and resources, to move your thoughts and projects from
your head to intentional action enables you to increase your income and make an
impact on your bottom line, your family, your community, and even the world.
You turn your dreams into dollars, your concepts into cash, and your ideas into
income and impact!

About the Author:
Sylvia Henderson,
Implementation Strategist, moves individuals and teams to get out of their
heads and into action with their ideas for profit and purpose. Clients call her
the “Maven of Implementation”. Using her design thinking process called IMPACT©,
Sylvia helps you build a foundation and develop strategies for, take action on,
and be accountable to your ideas. Sylvia is the author of multiple books
including Hey, That's My Idea! How to
Speak Up & Get Recognized for What You Know and Think, and hosts a
cable TV program and radio show on implementing ideas. Turn your dreams into
dollars, concepts into cash, and ideas into impact with Sylvia’s expertise
& experience to guide and encourage you. Meet Sylvia at the Unlimited You Weekend, April 10- 12, 2015, Baltimore, MD. www.hwhn.org for details.