Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Negative vs Positive Thinking

Miracles happen every day and in that split second everything can change. In the darkest periods of my life, I remember calling out to GOD asking for a miracle to change my circumstance. With a face full of tears, knees weak with shame and disappointment, I prayed for a blessing. I wept for a saving grace.  At one point I remember when I prayed to be saved from myself because the way I was heading there was nothing left to destroy but me.

Mentally, physically, emotionally, financially I have been torn. I have been defeated. But eventually when I got tired of what my grandmother calls having my “own personal pity party", I would surface from my hours, weeks and sometimes months of self-inflicted agony and decide to give my life everything I had left. I always rose from the living dead with the "what's the worst that could happen?" fighting spirit and then and only then would I start speaking life back into myself. When I started speaking life back in to my situation GOD would send a Blessing. 

The hardest part is to believe in yourself when you feel there is nothing left to believe in. You have to do the hardest job on the planet and truly believe in yourself and do the work to elevate your circumstances and continue to push for all the things you desire in the mist of your mess. I promise you, there is a blessing in your storm. All you have to do is BELIEVE IT and not the fairytale belief when you sit and wait on the lawd but the Belief that your work is not in vein.

The Belief that your actions will produce favor.

The Belief and Power of Positivity and Action.

Seasons do and will change but are you prepared for what the next season of your life will look like?

A negative mind will NEVER give you a positive life. Change your mind. Change your LIFE. 

About the Author: Monokia Nance is a powerful award winning speaker, author and brand manager, with more than a decade of experience working with some of the top brands in the nation. Her acclaimed strategies are impacting the masses for a lifetime, not just for a moment. Her life's work is to help women (and some 5 star men) to identify and deliver their life’s purpose, dominate their marketplace and create millions. Monokia is not only the CEO of Monokia Brand Management she is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation Inc. 

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