We often spend money on things instead of investing in ourselves. Our biggest investment is ourselves. We get out, what we put in.
My weekend was so amazing! I had the privilege of attending the Storyteller Speaker 2016 hosted by the Heal a Woman Heal a Nation Inc. in Baltimore Maryland. I am serious about my elevation and my transformation for success. I decided to invest in me. My first interaction with Heal a Woman Heal a Nation Inc. was in April of 2016 at Unlimited You Weekend. It was something that you had to be there for. I will tell you that I was transformed beyond belief. I was freed of things that I needed to let go of so I could heal and be clear about my purpose. See, I was a newly broken woman searching to find healing and I felt that this would help in the process. It was more than I expected, it exceeded and excelled my process of healing. I found my why, and I became laser beamed focused and actionable about my goals.
Heal a Woman Heal a Nation is founded by 3 amazing Queens, Monokia Nance, Mothyna James- Brightful, and Dr. Maria James. They are amazing at what they do. The relationship is real, they only give you what they have practiced with each other and has proven to work. These Queens have been running Heal a Woman Heal a Nation Inc. for 13 years. I am so glad they did because I have been transformed by the network and the genuine interaction. They want to see you win.
Now.........let me tell you about my experience this weekend. As I states earlier I attended the first Storyteller Speaker 2016 event. There was so much information given in 4+ hours so I will write about my experience and takeaways from the day. At this event we were put into groups of 7 persons. Each person had to tell a 3 minute story and get get feedback from each member of the group. I sat anxiously awaiting my turn. Of course, I did not know what story I was going to tell because, well, I have so many. I decided to tell the story of a time I was betrayed and brokenhearted by my partner of 2 years. He got married on me and it broke me into pieces. My opening line was " I didn't know I had a story to tell until I got here." I took the group through the journey and as I spoke they were captivated and wanted to know every detail, but in 3 minutes you had to learn to tell the story and keep them engaged. I had 49 seconds to spare. I told my story and it was in that moment that I found out my niche market (Broken women on a journey to being a whole woman). These are the women I am here to serve. I have been there before and I went on a journey of healing to become a whole woman. I stated in my story "We often look for value and meaning in our relationships, but what about the relationship with self? What happens when we are broken because someone else did not value us more than we should value ourselves?" I knew in that moment that I had something that people needed to hear about. This was a story I had never spoke about publicly, especially with a group of strangers. We never know how much baggage others carry around and how broken an individual appears to be inside.
So let me tell you all about my takeaways:
With clarity being one of my takeaways, let me reintroduce myself: My name is Daliah Ferguson, the founder of the Girlfriends Power Academy. I specialize in empowering, elevating, and transforming the lives of broken women to a journey of being a whole woman.
My first project and testimony was me. Stay plugged into the Girlfriends Power Academy
It is more than important to be the best you can be. There is power in your voice and it is a voice of change and hope. I am attending the Storyteller Speaker Intensive in September 2016. There is nowhere to go from here but up. You have to sharpen your craft. Investment in yourself, your business, and personally developing your gift. It is the best investment you could ever make.
I will see you all on stage where I will transform the lives broken women to being healed and whole.
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