No matter what strategies you acquire for business, if you're health is poor you will not have the capacity to implement them. If self-care is not in your business plan you are sabotaging your wealth. Your health- mind, body, and spirit- is your wealth.
Self-care is a marketing tool. It directly impacts your influence and impact in the marketplace. People are attracted to your light. Self-care is also the evidence of the integrity of your brand. If what you offer is not taking you higher in life, how can it produce those results for others? You cannot give what you do not have.
I know the temptation to be an entrepreneurial martyr: the one who is always available, burnt out, and stressed out. There is another way. You did not create a business to be a slave to your business. When you are good to yourself first, you are able to create a space for maximum impact as a business owner.
I can't wait to give you a blueprint for how to care for yourself as the amazing visionary you are. Join me at the 13th annual HWHN conference and you will learn 5 key ways to care for yourself in a way that will make your business go BOOM! Get ready to elevate and #HealEverything! It is the guarantee of your success!

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