Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Manifesting Your True Voice

Manifesting Your True Voice
Monique R. Muhammad

Today I found my voice...

well not really found because it was 
never lost. 

It was merely buried under 
external monologues about who I be. 

My voice was silenced by the lies

I chose to accept in a forest crowded 
with other people’s opinions. 

My voice still does make a sound, so 
that sound I choose to manifest.

The day I reclaimed and chose to manifest my true voice is one that will be etched in my memory forever. I was in a room filled with brilliant women, awaiting the start of “Art Between Us”, a forum in the D.C. area that allows women of all walks to express themselves through spoken word, music, and art. On my way to the venue, I completely talked myself out of presenting any of my own poetry, for many reasons, all of which were invalid. I had allowed the opinions of other people, their “view” of who I am and what I can offer, to shape my own inner voice. I was afraid to get up in a crowd of people and prove that “they” (the infamous they) were right about me. I was afraid to express my truth, in my way. I was just AFRAID. When I entered the room, I did what is customary for a fearful person to do: I tried to hide. I found a seat in the back of the room and made up mind that today was NOT the day to share- ANYTHING. But the longer I sat there and fed on the energy of those around me, the more I was compelled by the spirit to share my voice. And I did. It was one of the most freeing moments of my entire life. As I left the event that afternoon, the above poem poured from my mind. It just flowed freely. One’s true voice does that- it flows like water. It is natural, like exhaling the breath of life.
Accepting and manifesting the voice that each of us has been given is critical to our overall health and well-being as women. The Creator has placed in each of us, a specific representation of the Divine that must be expressed, and only we can do it in that way. Dumbing down or silencing that voice can lead to poor self-worth, depression, anger, resentment and sheer unhappiness. It isn’t healthy, Queens. Don’t bottle up your truth, share it! Someone else needs what you have!
But did you know that manifesting your voice is deeper than verbal expression? The old saying, “Actions speak louder than words”, is very true. And the fact that thought precedes action, is truer still. So, manifesting one’s voice is about how we express who we really are in words, thought, deed and action.
Three synonyms of the word voice are channel, instrument and champion. How do these words relate? Let’s talk about it.

Channel   Communication begins with thought. The way we communicate verbally, reveals a lot about how we think.  And that negative self-talk? We must start a campaign to stop it today! Whatever negative thoughts we harbor, taint the words we speak. We can sabotage the greatest plans before they even get off the ground. Is our channel (mind) clogged or blocked with negativity, or is it open to allow our thoughts to develop into a productive voice and positive RESULTS?

Instrument   Imagine an orchestra for a moment. Every instrument has its own unique sound. Have you ever noticed that in a well-organized orchestra, no instrument overpowers another? They all play in perfect harmony. And the musicians are focused in that moment on expressing themselves perfectly using his or her instrument. There is no need to compete, because every instrument is important to the overall sound and flow of the performance. Manifesting your true voice is like playing YOUR instrument, perfectly. Don’t forget, that you have to practice to reach perfection (smile).

Champion   What are your life’s passions? Express them! Live them! Let no one leave your presence without becoming acquainted with who you are and the causes you believe in. People become acquainted with our voices, through our action. We can talk a good game, but if the actions don’t line up, we have wasted time. We all have to be champions of something bigger than ourselves. No champion sits on the sideline waiting for the win; champions get in the game!

Let’s be clear. You’re not on a quest to find your voice because it isn’t lost. But it will take some tenacity and courage to uncover what is buried. Remember what we accept as the truth about ourselves, could possibly be a well-dressed lie.  It is our duty to not only uncover it, but destroy it at the root. It can be done. It will be done!! Stay the course and encourage yourself along the way.

What voice will YOU manifest? The world is waiting.

Monique Muhammad is a poet and author who published her first book "Rhythmic Reflections" in 2013. Her work has also been published in the world renowned Final Call Newspaper. Monique is a wife and mother of 2 sons, and is currently pursuing a degree in Geriatric  Nursing.


  1. Thank you Monique!!!💕
    This is the 3rd message I received today on this subject line!
    Earlier this am, a friend shared a post on The Subconscious Mind and offered a 21-31 day Deprogramming Meditation. I am speechless right now! I was up til 4am working on "me" and thinking about what I read in a new book I bought; Hidden Power by James K Fleet! I'm so in the stream of positive vibrations right now! Thank you Sisters🌹

  2. !!! I am so excited for you! Time to manifest Sister!! Many blessings to you on the journey!!
